
Posts Tagged ‘Wal-mart’

Seven Eleven

Seven Eleven logo

I wrote about Ito Yokado and Seven Eleven in my journal earlier.

Speaking of Seen Eleven, I can’t forget the Seven Eleven’s logo in a music video.

That was Justine Timberlake’s “Like I love you”, the mega hit tune in 2002.

In this video, Justine put on a T-shirt and the Seven Eleven logo was on it!

I was really amazed by this video, and still wondering if it was some kind of  promotion.

Is Seven Eleven still spreading in the USA and other countries?

As I wrote earlier, Seven Eleven is the biggest convenience store chain in Japan and we can see theme everywhere.

I heard that the biggest supermarket chain is Wal-mart, and it’s spreading over all USA.

Wal-mart is not popular in Japan.

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